Monday, July 7, 2014

4th of July

Well, it looks like you all had a fun 4th of July! Alex. I too am loving the pants.......... they are very...... interesting haha.

So for the 4th of July we made hot dogs the american way (not chilean completos with avocado and tomato on top) and we made home made Icecream. It was freeeeeezing cold because we had to shake the bag of ice around like crazy and it was night time and super cold but hey traditions and traditions and they{ve gotta be kept. 

Agh jealousy. I wanna go on trek toooooo!!!!! Mom Its interesting out here how I{m really starting to pick up on many of Satans tactics and man flojera (laziness) is THE NUMBER ONE problem. Its really a bummer because when we invite people to do things and they tell us they don{t have "ganas" or that "no me nace" (which is the number one excuse we get)  its like.... shoot. What do you do? Satan gets people soooooooo comfortable and lazy that getting them to do anything thats out of their comfort zone is nearly impossible. I was reading about that in the scriptures the other day and Idk if I already shared this scripture with you guys but if I already did, read it again because it rocks. In 2 nephi 28 verses 21 and 24. I really like the spanish translation of verse 24 it says "Por tanto ¡Ay del reposado en Sion!" I think in english it says wo to the at ease in zion or something, and in spanish reposado means basically resting. I think that is so true we cant be sitting around at ease in our comfort zones and we cant be resting in zion. There is always more to do, always more people to serve, and always more to be. So have fun on trek mom, and just be glad that you are making the choice not to be resting at ease in Zion.  Its soooo important to keep trying to do better and be better because if not we too will be in that category of those at ease and resting in zion. 

Well. Lets see.... what happened this week. We are working with an investigator named Belen. She is 15 years old and we are teaching her whole family but so far she is the one that is participating the most. Her dad has been having a really hard time because his brother is dying in the hospital so if you could all pray for the family Pinchetti: Mauricio (the dad), Andrea (the mom), Belen, and Christian (the brother of mauricio) because they need lots of prayers!! Also if you could pray for Isidora Navia I would greatly appreciate it.

Well. I have to go... wow the time flew by today, but I will talk to you all next week!!!

Kyrstin Millett

Making Homemade ice-cream for the 4th of July

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